Christmas Adopt a Family Program
Sharing the love of Christ through the giving of Christmas gifts to struggling families in our community.
There are a few ways by which you can participate:
ADOPT A FAMILY: You will be assigned a family and given a list that includes clothing sizes, interests, wish list items etc. Individuals and/or groups then provide whatever items they are able to for that family based on their information. (While we operate on a “do what you can” basis, family adoption typically involves anywhere from 3-5 gifts/per child)
2. GIFT PURCHASE: Purchase toys, bikes, or clothes to be distributed by NHLB as needed.
3. VOLUNTEER: During the week of Dec. 11th-16th, sign up to help sort, package, prepare and distribute gifts to the families. OPPORTUNITIES TO VOLUNTEER:
SHOP & SORT: Dec. 14th beginning at 8:30 am, volunteers will meet to help shop for any remaining needs with the funds donated to the program. We will also be sorting and packaging the gifts for distribution. Come help for as long as you want. Lunch will be provided.
DISTRIBUTION NIGHT: Dec. 16th 6pm -7:30pm. This is a special night where we will distribute the gifts to the families. We provide a meal and an experience that communicates God’s love and offers a little joy during the holiday season. From luminary lighting, to food prep, to gift loading, we will need many hands to make this night a success!
*** Both events held at Trinity Church in Covington. 19380 N. 10th Street. More info will be sent out to volunteers when the events draw closer to Distribution Week***
4. FINANCIAL DONATION: Make a financial donation that will be used by the NHLB staff to purchase gifts for families in need.
(The link above will bring you to our donation page. When making your donation, please type “Adopt a Family” in the “Leave a Note” section of PayPal donation page to designate your donation.)
***All donations and gifts need to be collected by Sunday, December 11th. If you have any questions, please contact Alicia Stickles at 985-630-0355 or***
If you are a St. Tammany Parish Resident, you can register for assistance by completing the form at the link below and turn it into Trinity Church from the hours of 9am-12pm or 2pm-4pm Tuesday-Thursday. Proof of residency via federal ID and/or utility bill is required when turning in your registration.
No access to a printer?
No problem! There are forms available at Trinity Church!
(Pickup/Drop off 9am-12pm or 2pm-4pm T-TH)
Trinity Evangelical Free Church ~ 19380 N. 10th Street~ Covington, LA
Got Questions or Need Assistance?
Contact Care Coordinator: Lee Manguno at 985-630-8497 or